Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Busy Life

God never promised that life would be easy, or even happy. What a sentence to start with. I am sitting in my living room, trying to think about why I feel angry that things are not going my way. Why I feel like there should have been more to my life, or that my life should somehow be better, happier, easier. But when I read the Bible, I am reminded that compared to some of the folks that served God in the beginning has it much worse than me. For example, Abraham after years of having no children with his beloved Sarah, was given Isaac. Then when the boy was still young, God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son. Yikes, I can't imagine how difficult a decision that would be to Obey God. The amount of wrestling in the mind that would have gone on. But the Bible makes no mention of the wrestling or pleading for that matter for God to change His mind. Abraham just obeyed. Now, God in his incredible love for Abraham, understood that Abraham was being obedient, even to the point of sacrificing and losing his son, that He provided a ram to take the place of Isaac. And here I struggle with the, to me, insurmountable task of simply holding my tongue when I feel angry. Good grief, God hasn't asked me to do anything like that at this point. I am not sure exactly if there is anything God has asked me, specifically to do. However, the Bible says that I simply need to love God. To lean on Him. And why do I find this so difficult. It is something I am beginning to think about. I have no answer as of yet.